Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Its weird to think Christmas is only 2 days away woot woot!! I am excited to see if its any different as a married woman or if it will be exactly the same? :) I can't help but love Christmas, of course for everything it stands for. But also just to be able to see family and friends again, and eat some delicious food and just take a break from the crazy world.. One thing I am not pleased with this year, is apparently there is some controversy on if it is politically correct to say "Merry Christmas" or should everyone just say "Happy Holidays". Maybe its been going on for years, and due to the blondeness I just noticed or maybe I just chose to ignore it, either way I am so not okay with this. Last time I checked we say "Happy Thanksgiving" and "Happy New Year", and no one died for our sins for those holidays, but of course no one freaks out if you say them either. So pardon me, but I am going to say Merry Christmas this year and all the years to come. Because I am pretty dang sure Christ is the reason, and if anyone wants to freak out on me they can kiss it! Mmmkay ! Well enough of the venting, I hope everyone has a awesome CHRISTMAS! Be careful and drive safe!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Monday, December 14, 2009
Same day,totally different post...
So the other day my friend at work sent me a email about her friend who's little baby was sick and Roy city was doing this fundraiser to help . So I read it and thought it sounded way fun and I was stoked I could somehow help that sweet little girl and her amazing parents. Well yesterday I read a more recent email about how the family was forced to decide that their sweet little angel would be happier without the tubes and machines. I can't make it sound right, but you all know what I mean. That they had given their daughter everything they could and more, and the only thing that could help her was heaven! Anyways up until that time I had not looked at the blog, after that email I just had to. The blog is What I did was I started from the beginning of her blog which was over 2 years ago, I read all the way up until yesterday. Well let me tell ya reading 2 years of someones blogs you start to beleive that you know that person, like they are one of YOUR friends. As I read I went through this amazing girl's highest and lowest points of everyday life and expierences of her pregnancy. I read how completley excited she was, and saw all the cute things in the nursery. Then I read about when she had her little angel, and how perfect this child was. I am not a parent yet, but I imagine once I am that my thoughts will be similiar to hers. Thats when it hit home, her perfect little angel was diagnosed with a terminal disease called SMARDS at 4 months old. I read how these 2 amazing people learn to change their worlds upside down, to go from bathing her at home to in the hospital, from laying with her to not being able to hold her when they want, from parenting how they wished, to being told when and what and how they could do things with their own child. And most importantly how to put their selfishness of wanting her here with them so bad aside , and doing what is best for their daughter. I have now thought non-stop of this little family for days, I have been constantly praying , bawling my eyes out, reading and re reading the blog posts, staring into those pictures, being angry for them, wishing some miracle will happen. Basically I guess because I felt like I knew them it made me realize who's to say the same thing wont happen to me, or my best friend, or my sister. How do you decide something that huge, and it doesnt push you over the edge. I know God doesnt give you anything that you cant handle. But I dont think I could do it, of course they are being forced to but I just dont think I could. It made me realize how truely blessed I am, that I had never had to see a young sibling or relative hurt or really sick. My neice is 17 months old, I would die if she was not here, shoot I freak when she has a runny nose. I am not her parent, only her aunt. And our bond is pretty strong, but nothing comparable to a mother daughter bond. It makes me think everything I was stressed about, or sad about in the big picture doesnt mean crap. I was complaining about working 12 hrs yesterday. When someone I dont even know, but truely love was saying goodbye to their baby. How do you tell someone you dont know that you are so sad for them, that they are the strongest people you have ever known (read about), that you wish with all of your heart you could help in someway? I honestly hope that ,these amazing little mommy and daddy know they did what was best and is at peace with their decision. That they was blessed with such a precious angel that didnt have to stay on this evil earth very long , and that Kenzi knows how much her parents love her. I know I am rambling one side of me is saying how blessed and amazing her and the other side wants to scream and throw things for her. And for her husband who I know is going through the same pain, I am sure god only dealt them these cards because they are going to make it out of this as one and still in love. I dont know how many couples could do that. Sorry about my emotional rollercoaster post, I just dont know any better way to get all of that off my chest. God bless you Webster family, and Makenzie thank you for showing me strength thru a blog that a adult couldn't in person. You truely are an amazing little baby! And I too will think of you everytime I see a balloon, I will send some your way!! XOXOXOXO
Uuggh WINTER.....

Im back!! Sorry I havent posted anything for quite sometime, I will do better! First things first me and the snow are not bffs right now. Dont get me wrong I love to play in it, but I hate to deal with it! I hate driving it, I hate how stupid some people are driving in it, I hate how it is so cold, I hate how it is blinding. Okay so mainly its a hate with a little love relationship! On the otherhand I am very excited for Christmas. First Christmas as a wife, should be pretty interesting. I do love hanging out with the fams, and this year I have it off!! Can you beleive it, in my line of work I probably wont have another xmas off for 15 years. So I am going to milk every second of it. So to catch up a bit, Fall was a great season of 09! Me and mike have been married almost 3 months, ha and people said we werent going to make it :) ! I chopped all of my hair off, now that he is legally bound I thought why not.. Also Mike's birthday was Nov.26 (Thanksgiving) what a awesome birthday dinner to have I think! So seeing as his bday was on turkey day, I threw him a suprise party the saturday before! I think that was the closest to a stroke I have ever came to!! Talk about pressure! But it was a complete success! It was biker themed which was amazing, I got him a awesome motorcycle cake, and he literally fell over when he walked in our house and about 60 people yelled suprise! It was the first suprise party I have ever coordinated, and I must say it was so so worth it!! The first part of December I had the chance to catch up with my favoritest oldest bff Tara, we kinda fell apart over a year ago. And our families are somewhat connected so we planned a girls night and the fantastic four reunited as one :) It was a amazing night, I had so much frickin fun! I literally just sat in awe and watched tara, creepster I know. But we have been through so much and to go from not thinkin you will ever talk to a person, to actually having the best night ever with that friend it was mind boggling like a dream!! I love her so much and I know we will get our friendship right back on track, its just nice to have those kind of friends no matter what will always have your back!!! Me, Tara, Brooke and Brit! I have great friends and I love them all! Well I hope everyone has a great holiday season I swear I will be back sooner then last time!! XOXOXOXOXO
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
First Post .... Watch out!
Hello Friends! I have been putting off getting a blog until after we were married. Mainly because our life was really boring when we were just engaged haha jk! Not really I just thought this would be fun to start blogging as newlyweds and see how it progresses and changes overtime. A little bit about us:
Me- I am Jenna Skye Johnson Daniels. I graduated from Fremont high in 2004, and I am currently employed at Weber Dispatch. I love love love my job, never a dull moment. And when I have free time I like to do yard work ( weird I know), hang out with my friends, family and my husband of course! Camping, Dunes, Dirt, Water, and Mud are my favorite things. I am a total sucker for home decor, if I was rich I would totally blow all of my money on that for sure.
Mike- Michael Breydon Daniels. Graduated from Weber high 2006 ( yes I am a cradle robber), Mike is currently employed at Associated Foods in Farr West. He loves his dirtbikes, road bike, and anything mechanical. He is for sure a Mr Fix it! He also loves camping and mud, the dunes etc.
We got married August 20th, 2009, after being engaged for 2 years. Yes I wanted to make sure sure he was the one :)!!! Mike proposed on the 4th of July 2007, when we were in Wyoming camping with all of our friends. It was awesome and perfect I wouldnt of wanted it any other way. We live in Plain City in the house I grew up in. My mom got married, so purchased that house and I absolutely love it. We dont have any kidlets yet, but we do have a English Bulldog name Dozer who is by far treated like a child. We are loving married life, and just enjoy being together.
Oh p.s. Dozer needs a girlfriend stat so if anyone knows of a female bulldog please please let me know. All we want out of it is a puppy .
Me- I am Jenna Skye Johnson Daniels. I graduated from Fremont high in 2004, and I am currently employed at Weber Dispatch. I love love love my job, never a dull moment. And when I have free time I like to do yard work ( weird I know), hang out with my friends, family and my husband of course! Camping, Dunes, Dirt, Water, and Mud are my favorite things. I am a total sucker for home decor, if I was rich I would totally blow all of my money on that for sure.
Mike- Michael Breydon Daniels. Graduated from Weber high 2006 ( yes I am a cradle robber), Mike is currently employed at Associated Foods in Farr West. He loves his dirtbikes, road bike, and anything mechanical. He is for sure a Mr Fix it! He also loves camping and mud, the dunes etc.
We got married August 20th, 2009, after being engaged for 2 years. Yes I wanted to make sure sure he was the one :)!!! Mike proposed on the 4th of July 2007, when we were in Wyoming camping with all of our friends. It was awesome and perfect I wouldnt of wanted it any other way. We live in Plain City in the house I grew up in. My mom got married, so purchased that house and I absolutely love it. We dont have any kidlets yet, but we do have a English Bulldog name Dozer who is by far treated like a child. We are loving married life, and just enjoy being together.
Oh p.s. Dozer needs a girlfriend stat so if anyone knows of a female bulldog please please let me know. All we want out of it is a puppy .
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