Anybody that knows us, knows how long we have wanted to have babies.. We have been trying since before we were actually married.. I know everyone says wait, enjoy marriage first. But we are rebels, and hell bent on having a baby stat! I was of course more baby hungry at first, thats all i talked thought dreamt about.. BABY BABY BABY ... Well as time went on, Mike got all into it. I cant wait for this, or I cant wait for that. to buy this . or to hold him/her. to wrestle. to watch. Well then I started thinking I would like to go here, or redo this room, paint that, carpet this, make more money, mike make more money. mike to get into police academy. mike to graduate from academy. debt paid off. buy new car. Then I get scared, can we afford a baby? i want to be able to buy whatever whenever the minute i see it for our future child. As of right now NOT possible. is anyone ever financially stabe enough to have a child? Is there such a thing? Am I being selfish? Will Mike help with the wash and dishes and changing, or will that just be added onto my plate? Dont get me wrong I got me one excellent hubby but when it comes to inside chores hes not exactly a big fan. then i think, what if we cant have kids. what if we wait for all these things to happen and its too late. what if we have to have a baby right this second or we never will. Lets just say our "TRYING" is past the exciting part and has ventured into the questioning part. I just want one so bad, i just dont know when is the best time. I hear they are pretty pricey and like i said before i want to get the baby whatever it needs/wants. Its not just money either, i want to take vacations. i want to redo pretty much our whole house. i want to still be able to just pack up and just go camping or to the dunes. UGGHGHGHGHGH see my wishy washyness (not a word got it) .So much to think about....
Besides that point my dear BF went on a little vacay last week and we got the freakin awesome privilage of watching TAETER for 3 days. Lets just say good good teaching lesson on parenting. hard lesson 1 learned- DO NOT stay up til 0300 hrs watching tv.
hard lesson 2- DO NOT make eye contact when it is 0700 , way to early for her to wake up. She knew it too little stink!
hard lesson 3- just because you say hold still while i change you, DOES NOT mean 19 month old will..
hard lesson 4- DO NOT argue with her she is the boss face it. give her whatever, whenever she wants it.
After learning these, the rest of the time piece of cake. haha. really we had so much fun. i got to play with her, dress her, and take her places. she warmed up to uncle mikey and followed him around. ate what he was eating and even"talked" him into taking out her ponytail while i was in the shower. WHICH i believe i told him specifically "she does like the ponytail. she just isn't use to it. she is not crying. she is fine. do not take it out." I get out of the bathroom to see a toddler runnin around with hair sticking straight up where a pony use to be. ME: Tae'Lynn did you take out your ponytail? TAETER: na uh... ME: did uncle mike take out your pony? TATER: uh huh MIKE: (from other room) TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!. i can see my future pretty clearly hopefully a boy first for us ! All in all, we had a awesome time, and it was kinda sad packing up that "pack n' play" ( NOT USER FRIENDLY, obviously invented by a male:) ) and taking her home... so ya see after expierences like these how could i want to wait??????

Nothing like some discovery channel with a side of mac & cheese!