" Be a best friend, tell the truth, and OVERUSE I love you!"

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Its weird to think Christmas is only 2 days away woot woot!! I am excited to see if its any different as a married woman or if it will be exactly the same? :) I can't help but love Christmas, of course for everything it stands for. But also just to be able to see family and friends again, and eat some delicious food and just take a break from the crazy world.. One thing I am not pleased with this year, is apparently there is some controversy on if it is politically correct to say "Merry Christmas" or should everyone just say "Happy Holidays". Maybe its been going on for years, and due to the blondeness I just noticed or maybe I just chose to ignore it, either way I am so not okay with this. Last time I checked we say "Happy Thanksgiving" and "Happy New Year", and no one died for our sins for those holidays, but of course no one freaks out if you say them either. So pardon me, but I am going to say Merry Christmas this year and all the years to come. Because I am pretty dang sure Christ is the reason, and if anyone wants to freak out on me they can kiss it! Mmmkay ! Well enough of the venting, I hope everyone has a awesome CHRISTMAS! Be careful and drive safe!!! xoxoxoxoxo

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